The most common mistakes losing weight

The most common mistakes losing weight
The most common mistakes losing weight

Find out 7 common methods that are strictly forbidden to use when burning fat. We specially analyzed search queries in two main systems. This made it possible to form an opinion about the preferences of our fellow citizens in the field of combating obesity. The vast majority of people want to lose weight quickly and safely. However, this does not happen and not a single widely advertised dietary supplement is able to help with this. The ideal figure can only be with the right approach to diet and active training.

When you decide to buy this or that drug, you will probably just throw your money away. In the worst case, you will also bring harm to the body. The network has a lot of articles on how to lose weight and the typical mistakes of losing weight. But people are not interested in how to safely achieve their goal, but in the speed of this process. As a result, they make the same mistakes as others. Let's look at the typical mistakes of losing weight, and maybe you will understand how to lose weight.

How to lose weight: what methods can not be used

Young girl holding a bowl of salad in her hand
Young girl holding a bowl of salad in her hand

Complete or partial refusal to eat food

Knife and fork lie on an empty plate
Knife and fork lie on an empty plate

Perhaps just such a step can be called a serious and typical mistake of those losing weight. You can only go hungry if you have nothing to eat. In everyday life, you will definitely find something to eat with. And often such products are sweets or flour. This is one of the reasons people gain weight.

Often, such a decision is justified by the desire to cleanse the body of toxins. In practice, however, you will get the opposite results. Over the course of several millennia, the human body has learned to survive hunger and, at the slightest opportunity, to create strategic reserves of energy carriers. You already understood that we are talking about fat. When you are hungry, you can only lose weight through muscle breakdown and dehydration.

It should also be recalled what the word "fasting" means, which is often used to excuse improper weight loss. According to the priests, fasting does not mean vegetarianism at all, much less fasting. When true believers fast, they not only adhere to a certain nutrition program, but also behave in accordance with church commandments.

Also, one clarification should be made - fasting was one of the methods of survival of the Jewish nomadic tribes of pastoralists. In the autumn-winter period, sheep actively gave birth to offspring and people were forced to limit themselves in eating meat. Almost all Christian holidays and fasts reflect the agricultural calendar of antiquity.

Many of you know that in terms of climatic conditions, most of our country can not be compared with Israel and Egypt. In these states, in winter, the temperature can reach 25 degrees, and the Red Sea warms up to 22. Agree, even in summer, you can not find such weather everywhere. In hot climates, the body is much easier to tolerate restrictions on protein compounds and animal fats. We have to replace these nutrients with carbohydrates, which, as a result, are converted into fat reserves.

Eating food as little as possible

Girl preparing vegetable salad in the kitchen
Girl preparing vegetable salad in the kitchen

The less often you eat, the more actively the body tries to store fat. This is due to a slowdown in metabolic processes. If there is a strong energy deficit in the body, then fats will be stored, and energy is taken from the muscles, which are destroyed. Surely no one will dispute the fact that professional bodybuilders are recognized masters in the field of weight loss. When preparing for a competition, athletes manage to get rid of the maximum amount of fat. However, they eat at least six times a day.

This fact can be explained by the concentration of glucose. When you eat, your sugar level first rises and then gradually drops. When the concentration of the substance reaches a certain level, then the person begins to experience hunger. This time period depends on the products used. After fast carbohydrates, you will want to eat in about 30 minutes. If you eat porridge (a source of complex carbohydrates), then the feeling of hunger will appear in at least two hours.

We all know that nutritionists recommend using three main meals and two or three snacks throughout the day. If there are practically no questions with the main meals, then some nutritionists recommend nuts, yogurt, fruits, etc. for snacks. However, if these products are consumed in large quantities, the effect will be the opposite of what was expected.

For example, nuts are extremely high in energy, while fruits contain fructose, one of the simplest carbohydrates. Remember that fructose can suppress the activity of insulin-type receptors and thus increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. We recommend that you bring home-cooked healthy snacks with you. Perhaps it is not convenient and not fashionable, but you will not feel hungry and will be able to lose weight correctly. But the delivery of food to the office should be abandoned. In fact, it is no different from fast food, which only harms the body.

Refusing food after six in the evening

Girl rests her hands and chin on the wall clock
Girl rests her hands and chin on the wall clock

If you go to bed at eight o'clock, then this decision is fully justified. This theory, which was refuted by scientists, was good a hundred years ago. Then the peasants strictly adhered to solar rhythms. Modern people rarely go to bed before ten o'clock, and some are completely nocturnal. If, in such a situation, the last time you eat at six or even seven in the evening, then the metabolism will slow down, and you will gain weight.

Eating only one fruit

Young girl and fruits
Young girl and fruits

We have already said that these foods are high in fructose. Of course, this substance has quite serious differences from ordinary sugar. First of all, there is a lack of the ability to sharply increase the concentration of insulin (however, there are research results that indicate the opposite). However, it is fructose that is actively converted into fat by the body. Our distant ancestors lived in a mode of constant starvation, and the body had to constantly store fat. It has long been known that excessive consumption of fructose has become one of the leading causes of mass obesity in the United States.

You should not count on the intake of a large amount of nutrients in the body thanks to imported fruits. In addition to various preservatives and pesticides, there is little there. Scientists have proven that fruits also increase appetite. All this suggests that losing weight with fruits alone will not work. In the Polynesian Islands, the main food items are fruits, rice and fish.

For our compatriots, these products form the basis of most dietary nutrition programs. In Polynesia, a girl with a body weight of less than 100 kilos will not be able to get married, as she is considered too thin. You need to be extremely careful with dried fruits. If they were dried in the fresh air according to all the rules, then it would be a different matter. However, under conditions of mass production, this is simply impossible. The use of various chemicals to speed up the drying process of the fruit destroys more and more nutrients.

I will use special products for fitness fans

The waist of a sports girl is tied with a measuring tape
The waist of a sports girl is tied with a measuring tape

Everything looks very attractive in advertising, but not in everyday life. Not all people understand that it is not the fat content of the product that is of paramount importance for losing weight, but its glycemic and insulin indices. If their values were listed on fitness products, most people would stop using them.

Take yogurt as an example. The insulin index is 100, and in yogurt it is approximately 115 units. It's all about the presence of a large number of milk protein compounds. At the same time, everyone who is losing weight knows that bread cannot be consumed on a diet. Another example is white rice with an insulin index of 117.

The situation is different with wild rice, but the cost of this product is much higher. The situation is similar with potatoes and legumes. Recently, a new type of sports nutrition has been actively advertised - protein pancakes and cereals with dried fruits. Slender fit-babies advertise these "extremely healthy" dishes, which, in addition to everything else, are still abundantly watered with honey. If you want to gain fat mass, then they are ideal for this.

I will calculate the main nutrients in the diet

Healthy food products lie on a wooden surface
Healthy food products lie on a wooden surface

The theory of calculating the energy value of a nutrition program and all essential nutrients seems very attractive. Unfortunately, this does not always work. Let's take sugar and buckwheat as an example. The energy value of these dishes is 378 and 340 calories, respectively, and the difference can be completely neglected.

However, consuming a lot of sugar, you will gain weight rapidly, but not from porridge. We returned to the glycemic and insulin indices again. It should be understood that, in the conventional sense, calorie and essential nutrient counting theory can lead to an increase in body fat. The thing is that it does not take into account the insulin and glycemic index of products.

I will start using calorie blockers or fat burners

Calorie blocker packaging
Calorie blocker packaging

It should be noted right away that today there are no completely safe means for losing weight. In fact, they can all be roughly divided into two groups:

  1. Pacifiers containing a mixture of laxatives, diuretics, and stimulants.
  2. Dangerous drugs based on hormonal substances.

In the first case, you can easily get problems with the work of the digestive system, and in the second, everything will be even worse. The body strives for balance in everything, including hormones. It is these substances that regulate all processes in our body. Using hormonal drugs, you can disrupt the work of the endocrine system and the whole body as a whole.

Weight loss drugs often contain potentially hazardous ingredients, especially those imported from China. Perhaps you want to argue and use goji berries as an example. Unfortunately, this is a very controversial weight loss product. This plant is poisonous and many companies selling goji berries are closed.

I will drink a lot of water

A girl holding a glass of water in her hand
A girl holding a glass of water in her hand

This is a new trend in weight loss. Many people attribute truly miraculous properties to water. Remember, excessive fluid intake can lead to an imbalance in the water-salt balance and be fatal. Our body contains not just water, but with dissolved salts. Violation of this balance, as we have already said, can lead to very disastrous results.

See the video below about the TOP 5 mistakes of losing weight:
