In the article we will talk about the rules of working nutrition. We will also share convenient food recipes that you can take to work. For people who sit in the office all day, eating healthy, tasty and healthy is not an easy task. There are no comfortable conditions in such work, but you still need to try to eat healthy food.
For office lunch, there are several options. The first is to have a full lunch in the office canteen, if you have one, or in the nearest cafe. But, if your salary is not very high, then it will be difficult, because the current prices for meals are high. If you are forced to save on food, then carrying ready meals with you is an excellent option.
A suitable option may be "lunch with bags" - these are noodles, various soups or borscht, as well as mashed potatoes. But, as you know, these products contain various dyes and additives, and if you constantly use them, it can bring great harm to the body.
But, wherever you work, first of all you need to take care of your health and try to have a balanced lunch. To do this, in addition to the usual salad, you also need to add starchy carbohydrates to the body, this can beat rice or noodles. For good work, the body requires proteins, they can be eaten in the form of chicken or fish. But, if you do not have the opportunity to have a normal lunch, then you can eat a sandwich. But, in order for the sandwich to be healthy, it is better to make it from bread that contains coarse flour, as well as chicken, shrimp and some healthy salads. But, for the preparation of such a sandwich, you should not use mayonnaise.
In order for food to be beneficial to the body, you need to focus only on it. Therefore, you should put aside all your business during lunch and devote yourself to food. This is necessary so that you can enjoy food, and the brain to control overeating, and make it clear that you are already full.
If, for one reason or another, you did not manage to have a normal lunch and after the lunch break you feel that your strength is completely leaving you, your blood sugar level drops. And to prevent this from happening, you need to eat an oat cake with fruit and nut butter - this will give strength to wait until the end of the working day.
Working nutrition rules

- Before going to work, be sure to have breakfast at home. Many have no appetite in the morning and only get by with coffee on an empty stomach. But, this is not correct and bad for the stomach. If you have no appetite in the morning, then this may be the cause of stomach diseases and then you need to see a doctor.
- Many have to dine right at their desk. They should not forget about their employees, because the dishes are aromatic. And this can be inconvenient for colleagues.
- Do not give up meals, even when you are losing weight. This leads to the fact that you can eat much more for dinner than you should. And also it can cause various stomach diseases, so you need to eat regularly and not overeat.
- Vegetables and fruits should form the basis of an office lunch, as well as fish or lean meat. For lunch, you should eat food that contains protein, it increases metabolism very well.
- In order to relieve fatigue and increase your mental abilities, which began to decline closer to lunchtime, you need to use natural peanuts, walnuts and almonds. This will increase your ability to work much better than another cup of coffee.
- At work, it is very good to satisfy your hunger with dried fruit. Because they contain only natural substances, without dyes, but with useful vitamins. Also, kefirs and yoghurts will be useful.
- If you really want something sweet, then fruit marmalade may work well. It contains pectin, which helps to remove unnecessary toxins and toxins, as well as gelatin - it is good for muscles, strengthens nails and skin.
- If the job requires a lot of mental activity from you, then one cup of coffee and a little dark chocolate will not be superfluous. They help relieve headaches and can relieve stress, but they do not recommend overusing these products.
- When it's cold outside, you need to include fatty foods in your diet. It is fats that help the body maintain the right temperature and promote better muscle function.
- In order for the body to secrete gastric juice for good digestion, one must try to eat at the same time and then the body will get used to a constant regime. To do this, you need to always have something to eat with you, it can be an apple, banana, yogurt.
- There is also another rule for light snacks at work: try to avoid foods such as cookies, cakes, etc. After all, besides the fact that such food can ruin the figure, it also does not contain all the necessary components for energy. The most basic of them are iron, zinc and B vitamins. It is they that help to restore strength to continue working.
Healthy Work Lunch Recipes

If you carry meals with you, it is very important that such dishes contain as many useful components as possible in order to “refresh yourself”. Here are some recipes to diversify your diet.
Shrimp and noodle salad

To prepare such a salad, you must first boil and cool the noodles, if they are too long, then cut them into smaller pieces. Then add the slices of cucumbers and tomatoes, boiled shrimp, onions and peppers. Then you need to take the Chili sauce and mix it with the lime zest and add to the plate to the ingredients. When eating salad, each serving can be garnished with spinach or grapes.
Energy balls

Grind pecans or any other types of nuts in a blender, then add well washed raisins, peanut butter, flaxseed, cocoa and agave syrup to them, mix everything well. Then, from the resulting mixture, you need to form small balls and put in the refrigerator for twenty minutes. These delicious nut balls will help energize you all day.
Open sandwich

It is very easy to prepare it. To savor this yummy, first take rye bread and cut it into slices. Then mash the avocado with a little paste or lime juice. Spread the resulting mixture on the bread, and on top you can put pieces of chicken, turkey, salmon or a small slice of lime.
Rice with beans

To prepare this dish, we need 100 g of rice and 100 g of fresh or canned beans per serving. Also a few tablespoons of butter and salt, pepper to taste. Rice must be cooked halfway through, then mix it with beans and cover with water so that it slightly covers the food. Salt and pepper everything and cook until tender. This dish is very convenient to take with you to work, in addition, it is very useful, as it contains all the necessary vitamins to restore strength and energy. For example, it contains a lot of iron, which helps to improve mental performance and concentration.
Eggplant with cheese

This recipe can be prepared even in the morning before the working day, because the ingredients are simple and the cooking process has no difficulty. Take 3-4 pcs. eggplant, 1 egg and 100 g of hard cheese. Also butter, herbs, sour cream, salt, pepper and garlic. Eggplants should be boiled in salted water for about 5 minutes, then cut them not completely lengthwise. The egg also needs to be boiled and chopped finely. Mix it with grated cheese, sour cream, garlic, butter and herbs. Fill the eggplant with this mass between the cuts, place in a fireproof dish and in the oven for 15–20 minutes.
Fruit salad

Fruits are a treasure trove of healthy vitamins and are very important to consume to boost mental performance. In addition, they help maintain a good mood throughout the working day. You can take fruit to work as a snack, and you can also make a fruit salad. To do this, cut your favorite fruits into small pieces, such as apples, bananas, oranges, kiwi and any berries. Fill everything with yogurt and enjoy a real vitamin cocktail at work. You can also add nuts, which will double your strength before the end of the day.
Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that human health is the most important thing. And in order not to get sick with gastrointestinal diseases (which often happens with improper nutrition), you need to try to eat right. But, if you work in an office, then you need to use your lunch break directly in order to have a full lunch and rest to continue working.
For more information on how to find food for an office snack, see this video: