Heat-insulating paint Keramoizol

Heat-insulating paint Keramoizol
Heat-insulating paint Keramoizol

What is Keramoizol, its composition and features of use, types of substances, its technical characteristics, pros and cons, selection criteria and price, features of do-it-yourself application. If desired, the suspension can be colored in any shade using conventional colors.

Disadvantages of Keramoizol

Applying thermal insulation paint to the wall
Applying thermal insulation paint to the wall

Despite the large number of advantages, Keramoizol also has a number of disadvantages. Let's consider them:

  • High price … The price of Keramoizol is relatively high, however, if we consider that it can act as both a heater and a finishing material, the expenses are justified.
  • It is desirable to apply on leveled surfaces … So you can avoid overspending and the formation of cold bridges.
  • Thickens quickly … Keramoizol insulating paint should be applied quickly, otherwise it will harden. However, this problem is solvable. It is enough to dilute the product with water or a special solvent (for a lacquer-based substance).
  • Relatively short service life … Compared to traditional insulation materials (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam), Keramoizol lasts a little more than seven years.

Criteria for choosing Keramoizol

Liquid thermal insulation Keramoizol
Liquid thermal insulation Keramoizol

First of all, when buying liquid ceramic thermal insulation, make sure that it has all the necessary quality certificates and licenses. The rights to use the trade name "Keramoizol" belong to the Ukrainian ChNPKP "Inkor +". Only the official manufacturer of Keramoizol guarantees that the product will reliably protect the structure and not emit harmful substances.

Liquid ceramic insulation has the appearance of a creamy gray or white suspension. It is packed in plastic buckets of different sizes. The packaging must indicate the manufacturing company, as well as the composition of the product.

If you plan to insulate surfaces outside, it is recommended to choose Keramoizol on a varnish basis, which is more resistant to external mechanical and atmospheric factors. Water-based paint is suitable for painting surfaces inside buildings, as well as pipelines.

The cost of Keramoizol depends on the place of sale, its base (varnish, water) and the presence of coloring pigments. On average, the price of liquid ceramic thermal insulation is: lacquer-based - from 75 hryvnia per liter, water-based - from 85 hryvnia per liter. You can purchase products both in a retail network and directly from the manufacturer on the official website.

Brief instructions for applying Keramoizol

Thermal paint application Keramoizol
Thermal paint application Keramoizol

It is possible to apply Keramoizol on the surface both with rollers, brushes, and with a spray gun. The latter should have an increased outlet opening up to two millimeters. Otherwise, you will have to dilute the suspension so that it can freely go out.

The consumption of Keramoizol can be calculated, taking into account that the thickness of one layer should be about 0.5-1 millimeters. Thus, 10 liters of product is enough to cover 40 squares in one layer. There should be 3-4 layers.

We apply Keramoizol according to the following instructions:

  1. Before starting work, mix the product thoroughly, preferably using a drill with a special nozzle at medium speed.
  2. If, during storage, a crust forms on the surface of the material, we destroy it with a drill nozzle, moving up and down.
  3. We degrease the surfaces on which we will apply liquid thermal insulation. For this we use kerosene, solvents, gasoline.
  4. We are waiting for the degreasers to dry completely.
  5. We clean metal surfaces from paint residues, dust, dirt, visible rust cakes.
  6. Absorbent surfaces such as concrete, brick, plaster and others must first be moistened with plain water or primed with an acrylic compound.
  7. The first coat is considered a primer. Its thickness should be minimal - about 0.3 millimeters. With a greater thickness, streaks, swelling, delamination may form.
  8. Apply the second layer of thermal paint only after the previous one has completely dried. At a temperature of about 20 degrees above zero, polymerization of one layer occurs within about 12 hours.
  9. If Keramoizol is applied to hot metal surfaces (pipes, for example), then the polymerization time is significantly reduced.
  10. The complete polymerization of all layers will take about a day.

Thermal insulation by Keramoizol allows the application of ordinary paints and plasters over the thermal insulation layer. The decorative finish will not degrade the quality of the thermal insulator.

Watch the video review of Keramoizol:

Keramoizol is a new invention of Ukrainian scientists. It is a liquid ceramic heat insulator, which is applied in the same way as a conventional paint. They can insulate both external and internal surfaces. It is allowed to use the product as an independent insulation or as part of a certain structure.
