Making a delicious cake with cottage cheese cream is not difficult. Thanks to our recipe with step by step photos, you will personally see how to make a delicious cake.

Sponge cakes are the simplest and at the same time the most complex. To make a delicious biscuit, you need to follow many rules. We found the perfect sponge cake for the cake - it is moderately moist, does not crumble and always turns out to be fluffy. You can bake it in the oven or in a slow cooker.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 285 kcal.
- Servings - 8 slices
- Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes

- Eggs - 4 pieces (for biscuit)
- Any lemonade - 200 ml (for biscuit)
- Vegetable oil - 200 ml (for biscuit)
- Flour - 240 g (for biscuit)
- Sugar - 180 g (for biscuit)
- Baking powder - 1 tbsp. l. (for biscuit)
- Curd - 500 g (for curd cream)
- Powdered sugar - 100 g (for curd cream)
- Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l. (for curd cream)
Recipe for the step-by-step preparation of a sponge cake with curd-sour cream

1. The first thing we need is a large bowl. Why do we start at this point? Yes, because those who cook for the first time do not know how much beaten eggs will increase. Therefore, we take a deep bowl, knock out the eggs and pour in all the sugar.

2. Beat eggs with sugar for 5 minutes with a mixer at the highest speed. The eggs will increase two to three times.

3. Pour in vegetable oil. Don't worry that there is so much of it. The finished biscuit will not be greasy, it will be moist. For a cake, this is perfect.

4. Pour lemonade into the dough. Which lemonade to take? Yes, any, the main thing is not green or black, otherwise your biscuit will not come out in an attractive color.

5. Add the sifted flour with baking powder. To make things easier, you can sift the flour into a separate bowl and then add it to the dough. Mix the dough thoroughly. You can use the same mixer. The dough will settle slightly and become denser.

6. Pour the dough into a mold. In our case, this is a multicooker bowl. We greased it a little with vegetable oil so that the biscuit easily comes out of the bowl. We select the "Baking" mode on the multicooker at 150 degrees, the time is 50 minutes. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Check the readiness of the pie with a toothpick - dry toothpick - the pie is ready.

7. Here's a sponge cake in a slow cooker. We take it out on the wire rack for steaming and leave to cool.

8. When the cake is cold, you can cut it into cakes. To then collect an even cake, make marks with toothpicks. We will collect the cake using them. We do not need the topmost cake; it can be dried in the oven and crushed into crumbs and used for decoration.

9. Prepare curd cream. Combine cottage cheese with powdered sugar.

10. Let's beat the curd well with an immersion blender. If you have a chopping bowl, use it. Add sour cream, and once again we will break through everything well.

11. Here we have such a cream, it is easily distributed with a spatula, but at the same time it keeps its shape. You can add vanillin or lemon (orange) zest to the cream. You can also add any berry puree to the cream - strawberry, raspberry, currant. Besides the bright taste. The cream will have a pleasant color.

12. We collect the cake. Put the lowest biscuit cake on a large dish or special delivery. Lubricate it with a thick layer of cream. The most convenient way to distribute the cream is with a pastry bag.

13. We collect the whole cake in this way. It can already be served as it is, garnished with chocolate icing or syrup on top and tied with any powder. Now such "naked cakes" are at the height of culinary fashion.

fourteen. But we still decided to decorate it a little differently. We took chocolate paste, heated it a little in a water bath so that it became fluid and poured it onto the cake.

15. Spread on the sides and top as evenly as possible.

16. Decided to decorate with marshmallows, fresh berries and colorful coconut. All of these products can be easily purchased at a simple store. Therefore, you do not need to puzzle over where to get this or that decor for the cake.

17. The cake is ready to serve. Bon Appetit.

See also the video recipe:
1. Sponge cake with lemonade