What is boiled condensed milk, how is it made? Calorie content and composition. Is there a benefit when consumed? Boiled recipes and interesting facts about the product.
Boiled condensed milk is boiled condensed milk or sweet milk concentrate made by additional heat treatment of raw materials with the addition of baking soda and citric acid. Consistency - homogeneous, thick and viscous, color - from yellow-creamy to dark brown, taste - sweet, caramel. Used in cooking for making desserts.
Features of the preparation of boiled condensed milk

In food factories, several types of raw materials are used for the production of boiled condensed milk.
The general manufacturing algorithm is as follows:
- Milk is normalized (pasteurized, boiled in a vacuum unit, homogenized).
- Add calcium supplements and add sugar.
- Cooled, laid out in sealed containers.
- Placed in autoclaves, heated to 95-100 ° C, incubated for 2-4 hours.
- Forced cooling is carried out to 65 ° C.
- The final stage is pre-sale preparation, packaging in cans and labeling.
GOST of boiled condensed milk in Russia - R 54540-2011. The packaging must indicate the date of manufacture or the expiration date - until what time the product can be used. Storage duration can range from 8 months to 1.5 years.
When preparing cheaper products, condensed milk made from dry skimmed concentrate can be used as a feedstock. In this case, during normalization, the initial raw material is restored with the addition of milk fat. Calcium supplements are not used. Varenka turns out to be less concentrated, lumps appear in the finished product. It is advisable to reheat and shake the jar before use.
Note! If there is no GOST on the package, it is better to refuse to purchase.
How to make boiled condensed milk yourself:
- Condensed milk … This is the easiest way. It is necessary to boil water in a saucepan of such a volume that when immersed, the jar drowns. Remove the paper label from ordinary condensed milk, dip the tin packaging in boiling water and leave for 3-4 hours. No boiling takes place. The shelf life of the product does not change. When using a pressure cooker, the process will take less than an hour. Until the home boiled condensed milk has cooled completely, the lid is not removed.
- From milk … A large pot is needed so that the raw materials fill half. 2 liters of ordinary milk, homemade or pasteurized, does not matter, they put it to boil. In the heated liquid, stirring, pour 900 g of granulated sugar, preferably in a thin stream, so that it is easier to dissolve, and baking soda - 1 tsp. Cook in an open container until a brown shade of the desired saturation is obtained. It should be borne in mind: when cooling down, boiled water will thicken and darken even more.
It is impossible to prepare boiled condensed milk, as described in the first recipe, if skimmed milk powder, vegetable oils, preservatives and thickeners are present in the raw materials. After boiling, the contents of the jar will curdle, or many lumps will appear in it.
When purchasing a product for making boiled water, you need to pay attention to the fat content - the best product is thickened with 8.5% fat.
When preparing boiled condensed milk at home, it is very important to choose a jar without damage! If the tin is dented, it may explode when boiled. When burned with hot condensed milk, they often get serious injuries.
Composition and calorie content of boiled condensed milk

If ordinary condensed milk was used to make boiled milk, then the nutritional value of the product does not change. When purchasing in a store, see the fat content on the package. The energy value of boiled condensed milk can be 312-328 kcal per 100 g.
Calorie content of boiled condensed milk "Milk Country", 7.5% - 312 kcal, of which:
- Proteins - 5 g;
- Fat - 8, 5 g;
- Carbohydrates - 53, 9 g.
Calorie content of boiled condensed milk "Alekseevskaya", 8, 5% - 328 kcal, of which:
- Proteins - 7, 2 g;
- Fats - 8, 5 g.
- Carbohydrates - 55.5 g;
- Ash - 1, 8 g;
- Water - 26.6 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
- Vitamin B1 - 0.06 mg;
- Vitamin B2 - 0.38 mg;
- Vitamin B6 - 0.1 mg;
- Vitamin C - 1 mg;
- Vitamin E - 0.2 mg;
- Vitamin PP - 1.8 mg;
- Vitamin B12 - 0.5 mg;
- Vitamin D - 0.05 mg;
- Vitamin A - 0.042 mg;
- Vitamin B5 - 0.8 mg;
- Vitamin H - 3.2 mcg.
Macro and microelements per 100 g:
- Sodium - 30 mg;
- Potassium - 365 mg;
- Phosphorus - 219 mg;
- Magnesium - 34 mg;
- Calcium - 307 mg;
- Sulfur - 70 mg;
- Copper - 30 mg;
- Iodine - 7 mg;
- Manganese - 0, 007 mg;
- Fluorine - 35 mcg;
- Cobalt - 2 mcg;
- Selenium - 3 mcg;
- Zinc - 1 mg;
- Iron - 0.2 mg;
- Chlorine - 238 mg
The boiled condensed milk contains saturated fatty acids - 5, 2 g, cholesterol - 30 g per 100 g.
Carbohydrates are represented by mono- and disaccharides - 55.5 g. Most of all sucrose (41.77 g per 100 g), there is also fructose, galactose and lactose.
In addition, boiled condensed milk contains:
- Biotin - a substance responsible for carbohydrate metabolism and necessary for the normal functioning of the liver and pancreas;
- Potassium - stable work of the cardiovascular system is impossible without it;
- Phosphorus - distributes energy throughout the body;
- Calcium is a building material for bone tissue, without which destruction quickly occurs;
- Chlorine is responsible for acid-base and water-electrolyte balance.
However, you should not feast on boiled water if you need to control weight. This product is not dietary, and regular use will immediately reduce all efforts to lose weight to zero.
Useful properties of boiled condensed milk

This product is recommended to be consumed regularly in case of persistent underweight. It is quickly absorbed, replenishes the vitamin and mineral reserve, and supports the vital activity of the body.
The benefits of condensed boiled milk are less than from condensed milk to heat treatment, since most nutrients and organic acids break down. But you shouldn't give it up, despite its high nutritional value.
After eating boiled condensed milk:
- The strength of the bone tissue is increased;
- The work of the cardiovascular system and the brain is normalized;
- Falling asleep improves, the development of depression is prevented;
- Immunity rises.
If the product is made independently from high-quality fresh milk, the beneficial effect on the body increases. The risk of malignancy of already existing neoplasms in the intestines and digestive organs is reduced, the work of the adrenal glands and ovaries in women is stimulated.
Contraindications and harm of boiled condensed milk

The negative effect is due to the high calorie content of boiled water. Abuse can provoke rapid weight gain, hormonal imbalance in men and the development of tooth decay.
Boiled condensed milk causes harm if a history of lactose and casein intolerance, diabetes mellitus, hypertension in the acute phase. Overeating should be avoided with a tendency to flatulence, indigestion, unstable pancreas and frequent allergic reactions.
A store-bought product can cause negative effects on the body due to preservatives, stabilizers and flavors in the composition. To minimize harm, when purchasing boiled condensed milk, you should carefully read what is written on the label, you can also cook it yourself.
The condition should be analyzed if pregnant women or young children eat boiled water - an allergic reaction may appear.
Cooked Condensed Milk Recipes

Varenka is combined in dishes with cottage cheese, bananas, strawberries and nuts, with the addition of butter or nut butter, you can make any kind of cream for baking from it - sand, yeast, puff pastry. There are many desserts with this filling.
Boiled Condensed Milk Recipes:
- No bake cake … A jar of fatty boiled water is boiled for an additional 40-60 minutes to obtain a thick consistency and rich brown color. Marshmallows are laid out in the form for the future cake. It is better to cut it into several pieces to get a flat, dense layer. On top, everything is greased with boiled condensed milk, and then sprinkled with crushed cookies. The process is repeated 1-2 times - the height of the cake depends on the number of ingredients. Top with strips of melted chocolate, which are arranged spontaneously, and sprinkle with crushed nuts to taste. You can add a layer of raisins with nuts or dried apricots to the cake - in this case, excessive sugaryness will disappear. At night, the dessert is left on the shelf of the refrigerator.
- Chess Cupcake … Flour (2 cups) is mixed with a package of baking powder, beat 6 eggs, gradually add 2 cups of granulated sugar. Knead the dough and then divide into equal parts. 3-4 tbsp are intervened in one. l. cocoa powder, achieving a uniform consistency. The oven is heated to 180-200 ° C. In turn, on a baking sheet or in a form on parchment, the cakes are baked for 10 minutes. They are removed warm, otherwise they will stick to the paper. The surface of one biscuit is generously greased with boiled water, covered with a second biscuit, pressed. Leave for a short time, and then cut into two-tiered strips. Collect a cupcake from these strips. To prevent it from falling apart, the side surfaces of the "assembly" are greased with boiled condensed milk. When cut, the baked goods will look like a checkerboard.
- Oriental cake … Proportions of ingredients for the dough: 220 g of premium flour, 5-6 eggs, 100 g of cocoa powder, 320 g of granulated sugar. To make the biscuit more fluffy, before kneading, combine the flour with cocoa and sift through a sieve. Separate the whites and yolks, beat them separately with half the sugar. Squirrels are considered ready when they manage to get peaks, yolks - if they turn white. When mixing all the ingredients, you should act very carefully, move with a spoon - only from top to bottom, otherwise the foam will settle. Pour dried fruits - 100 g of dried apricots and prunes - with boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and leave to steam. A biscuit is baked, as already described in the previous recipe, only time is needed at least 25 minutes. Readiness is checked with a toothpick. If it remains dry after being pricked, you can remove it. Beat the cream, combining 160-180 g of chopped butter and boiled milk. The steamed berries are cut into strips. Mix equal amounts of coffee (freshly brewed drink), coffee liqueur, granulated sugar, honey or jam. It is necessary to calculate the amount of impregnation so that the biscuit "takes" it. Then the cake is cut into 2 pieces. One is smeared with cream on top, sprinkled with prune strips. Spread out the second part, press it and grease it with cream on top, decorating with dried apricots and crushed walnuts. Leave to soak for 40-50 minutes.
- Nuts … Before making this dessert, you need to get a shape. The cream is prepared according to the algorithm described in recipe No. 3. For the dough, mix 250 g of flour with 0.5 tsp. salt and the same amount of baking powder. Beat 1 egg with 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar - with a whisk or in a mixer, it does not matter, add 70 g of melted butter. Add flour to the oil mixture, knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands. The grooves in the mold for nuts are greased with vegetable oil and heated over a fire. A dough ball is placed in each well. Press with the second half of the form, fry from all sides. The golden "shells" are cooled. As a filler, you can use a cream mixed with crushed walnut kernels or with pieces of cookies, you can also simply use dumplings with the same flavors. Connect the halves by filling in the middle. Put the whole "nuts" on a plate.
- Curd ice cream … In a blender bowl, beat boiled water - 150 g, cottage cheese - 200 g, adding milk - enough to get a creamy consistency. Spread out the paste in molds, put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours.
Interesting facts about boiled condensed milk

The first mention of dumplings was found in Cuban cookbooks, the writing of which was dated 1600-1603. The name of the product was not directly mentioned, but it described sweet brown thick milk, which was specially prepared for sailors before long crossings. Unfortunately, the author of the manuscript is not known.
In 1865, in the province of Buenos Aires, the captains of the enemy armies - North and South - celebrated a truce. And the maid forgot a can of condensed milk, which in the territory of the modern USA and Argentina began to be made already in 1830, on coals. The tin exploded. Obeying a moment's whim, the generals tried the brown mass, similar in consistency to molasses, and they liked it very much. Even the place of "recognition" of boiled water is known - the village of Kanewelas. The generals had tremendous influence, and their admiration for the new product was the best publicity.
In Russia, the plant for the production of condensed milk was fully operational only in 1881 - before that, the products were not considered popular. However, housewives who managed to get a jar of a valuable product before preparing a dessert, cooked boiled water. So it was possible to get the consistency most convenient for whipping into a cream. And only at the beginning of the twentieth century they began to make boiled water on an industrial scale.
If at first it was packaged only in cans, now it can be purchased in plastic or tubes with a removable lid. The latter package is more convenient - you can eat the delicacy in small portions without fear that the contents will deteriorate.
How to make boiled condensed milk - watch the video:

When purchasing a product in a store, it is advisable to give preference to well-known brands: "Favorite Classic", "Baby" and "Glavprodukt". Be sure to look at the date of manufacture - spoiled boiled water can cause poisoning.