The history of the origin of the American Bully breed, its purpose, standard of appearance, character, health, advice on care and training. Purchase price. Looking at the powerful squat American bull with the body of a "rocking" bodybuilder, with the crocodile's paws, a suitcase head and strong fanged jaws, it is difficult to imagine that in front of you is not an all-crushing monster dog, but a cute and friendly dog, a great lover of children and funny games. But it really is. It is precisely such a fierce-looking, but completely non-malicious breed that its creators managed to get.
The origin of the American Bully breed

The history of this breed is not very long. American Bully is a very young breed, bred by dog breeders in the United States (mainly in the states of Southern California and Virginia) in the mid 90s of the last century.
The goal of the breeders was simple and complex at the same time. They wanted a companion dog with an affectionate disposition, but an intimidating fighting look. And if there were no problems with a formidable look, then I had to suffer with character. Moreover, they had to breed not good-natured milags, but magnificent dog-fighters, with difficult characters and very aggressive inclinations. It is believed that the breed was obtained from the selection of Staffordshire Terriers and American Pit Bull Terriers. But many dog handlers believe that the Amstaff, English and American Bulldogs were involved here. The breeders themselves, as usual, keep the true origin of the breed a secret.
For a long time, breeders and breeders did not succeed, aggression penetrated too deeply into the genotypes of crossed breeds. Probably, more than two hundred years of history of participation in dog fights affected. And when, finally, they managed to solve this difficult task, the official canine organizations for a long time refused to accept the new breed, considering the bred dogs only a variety of the most common pit bulls. Unfortunately, this opinion still exists today, and fans of the Pit Bull and Amstaff breeds believe that the appearance of bull dogs is an "invasion" of their classic breeds. That in the future will lead to the mixing of thoroughbred animals with "new mestizos", to the loss of their exterior and working qualities. And their dissatisfaction is quite justified, as not too conscientious breeders often cross bully with Amstaffs or American Pit Bull Terriers, really breeding mestizos and further confusing official standards.
Nevertheless, at present, the new breed is officially recognized, has several types (varieties) with their own standards of assessment and is gaining great popularity among fans of medium and large dogs.
The following types of these tough Americans currently exist:
- standard (Standard American Bully);
- classic (Classic American Bully);
- pocket (Pocket Bully);
- extra Large (Extra Large or XL).
However, some associations have their own additional (not generally recognized) classification of bully types by size and exterior.
Of particular interest to fans of the breed is the Exotic Bully, which is the smallest type of dog (smaller than Pocket) and somewhat similar in exterior to the French Bulldog. True, this type has not yet been fully developed by breeders, and therefore has health problems and a short life expectancy.
The bull dog breed gained immense popularity in the USA. The largest population of these animals is also located there. There are bully clubs: UBKC (United Bully Kennel Club); ABKC (American Bully Kennel Club); UCA (United Canine Association); BBKC (Bully Breed Kennel Club) and others.
In Europe, the breed is only gaining recognition. And in Russia there are only two or three nurseries at all (in the capital cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow). To date, the breed is officially recognized only by the cynological associations of the United States and Russia.
The purpose and use of the American bully

Initially, the American dog was created as an ideal companion dog, having a calm and non-aggressive character, but capable of protecting its owner from the attack of robbers if necessary. And this goal was fully achieved by the breeders.
Further selection of the breed, which made it possible to breed bull dogs with a wide variety of conformation and sizes, somewhat changed the direction of development of the working qualities of these dogs. The dogs have become more multifunctional, retraining as watchmen, bodyguards, "scary" but decorative mags and just pets of the family without any special duties (due to their cute character and ability to get along with children).
Many of the working qualities and talents of the versatile bull dogs have yet to be fully defined.
American Bully External Standard

The general impression of the dogs of this breed is tremendous strength, hidden in an animal of medium or slightly over average size, with a compact and somewhat squat muscular body, a heavy skeleton and a large square head. The main feature of the breed is precisely the large square head and the heavy skeleton of the dog, which gives it a lot of weight. Despite this weightiness and seeming clumsiness, these dogs are very mobile, jumping, dexterous and are able to give odds to many dogs of fighting breeds.
Currently, there are the following main types of American Bully dogs, differing in size:
- Of the recognized types, this is the smallest (if this word can be applied to a dog of this size) or "pocket" type (Pocket Bully). The height at the withers reaches up to 43 centimeters in males and up to 40 centimeters in bitches.
- Standard type (Standard American Bully). The height at the withers reaches 51 centimeters in males and 48 centimeters in bitches.
- The largest dogs (standard XL Bully and XXL Bully-extreme). The height of XL Bully reaches a maximum of 58 centimeters, and for XXL Bully-extreme dogs - 61 centimeters.
The weight of bull dogs depends on their height and varies in a fairly wide range: from 18–30 kg (for the "pocket" and medium types) to 58 kg (for the largest type).
As for the standards of appearance:
- Head square in shape, large and heavy, with a broad skull shape, pronounced forehead and a sharp stop. The muzzle is short, medium in length and wide, with pronounced flecks. The jaws are well defined. The lower jaw is parallel to the muzzle and very strong (“intimidating”). Lips not tightly fitting, slightly drooping. The bridge of the nose is straight, wide, not snub-nosed. The nose is large, well-defined. The color of the nose is allowed in any of the existing colors, except for the light pink color (albino). The teeth are according to the standard pattern, well defined, white. Upper teeth - tightly overlap the lower teeth from the outside (scissor-like bite).
- Eyes oval, deep and far-set, of medium size, with minimal visibility of the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. The color of the eyes of a dog is admittedly the most different (when judging it is better if it is harmonious with the color of the coat), except for blue eyes or different colors (a serious defect leading to disqualification).
- Ears bulls set high, symmetrical, erect, cautiously moved forward. The ears of the animal can be cropped or left as is.
- Neck powerful, distinctly muscular, slightly arched and tapering from back to occiput. The neck skin is firm and of good quality (loose or slightly loose skin is allowed only in Extreme and XL types).
- Torso massive, but compact, usually of medium size. The body is very muscular, with a strong broad chest and shoulder girdle, with a well-developed muscular croup. The back line may be slightly raised towards the croup.
- Tail in the bull, it is medium, low set, down to the hock in length. In a calm state, it is lowered down; when excited, it can be lifted up, but not twisted into a ring.
- Limbs straight, strong, well-muscled, set wide apart, of medium or relatively short length. The elbows of the forelegs are slightly turned outward (but not more than 45 degrees). The toes are compactly assembled. Longer hind legs are allowed in Extreme and XL types.
- Wool short, tight, tight-fitting. Long hair is a fault and will result in disqualification.
- Color the most varied standards are allowed. As well as the most varied patterns on wool. Only the color merle (merle), leading to disqualification, is inadmissible. Merle is an uneven coat with darker and lighter areas of the same color.
American Bully character

Despite their uniquely frightening appearance, these animals have an equally unique kind and friendly character. Once settled in the family, these wonderful dogs will forever fall in love with this new "pack". They loyally love the owner and his family members and are ready to give their lives for them.
But, despite all their friendliness, gentleness and phlegmaticness, falling into the inexperienced hands of a novice dog breeder, these dogs (especially if it is a young dog prone to dominance) are capable of behaving at the age of 1, 5 years in no way adequately to the declared peaceful breed qualities. It is at this age that the dominant dog always tries to seize power in the "pack". And in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary in time (even at a young age) to point him to his place in the hierarchy. And this is exactly what the inexperienced newbie owners do the worst of all. It is for this reason that dogs of this breed are not suitable for neophytes, the elderly and people with a gentle disposition.
Not always, but it happens that this completely peaceful and good-natured dog in ordinary life, going out into the street, suddenly for the owner, can find himself an object for aggression (they do not tolerate the presence of other dogs badly, and there is no need to talk about cats).
These big guys adore children and with amazing patience endure all their antics, allowing them to do whatever they want with themselves (having a high pain threshold, they are not as vulnerable to "childish pranks" as many other animals).
Bulli is a dog with a very high intelligence, which allows not only to quickly understand the owner's commands, but also to independently solve simple "problems" for quick wits. I must say, this cute dog thinks very quickly, especially in a situation of danger for the owner, showing wonders of courage and determination.
Representatives of this American breed are natural born and almost ideal companions of a person, loyal, benevolent and unflappable. They feel great as an escort dog, behave well in the office, car, train and plane. They are somewhat not embarrassed by the presence of many other people, and with proper training, and other animals.
For the American bully, extremes are atypical: aggressive or, on the contrary, too shy behavior. This dog is a life-lover and optimist by his canine nature, sociable, playful and inquisitive.
Dog health

The American Bully is a fairly healthy dog with a good immune system and good resistance to infectious diseases. But, nevertheless, as in all breeds of dogs obtained by selection, these animals also have "favorite" breed diseases, partly inherited from the progenitors - staffards and pit bulls.
The main ailments of these strong good-natured dogs are primarily associated with the activity of the cardiovascular system (a common problem is early aortic stenosis, which often leads to the death of the pet) and with the condition of the joints (standard is hip dysplasia, the scourge of the entire canine kingdom, especially for medium and large breeds).
The average life span of bull dogs is 9-13 years. Smaller animals live longer.
American Bully Care Tips

Caring for this "bodybuilder" of the canine world, in fact, is no different from the usual care of the Staffordshire Terrier or Amstaff.
The short coat of the dog does not need constant brushing. Only as it gets dirty, you can bathe it or wipe it off with a damp towel. Molting also takes place almost imperceptibly for the owner, without causing much trouble.
It is necessary to regularly check and clean the ears of the animal, as well as trim the nails, especially if you are walking on soft ground. To keep your pet in good shape and in good physical shape, it is imperative to give him physical activity - small but regular jogging; as well as walking in a special vest with weights, to strengthen the ligaments and pump muscles. From this, the pet will only benefit externally, becoming even more muscular and formidable. Well, the pet's nutrition, of course, should be complete, balanced in the composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, rich in vitamins and minerals. This is the only way your dog can look 100%.
The choice of how and what to feed always remains with the owner of the animal. But the most convenient and economical way to feed such a rather big (and very expensive) dog is to feed it with high-quality industrial food of the holistic class (where the diet is fully balanced by professional nutritionists) with the addition of complex vitamin preparations to the diet, as needed.
The nuances of training the American Bully

Despite the fact that these formidable-looking Americans are distinguished by good intelligence and general benevolence, the bull is still too serious a dog to be trained by a layman or occasionally. Sooner or later, such a frivolous attitude towards a serious pet will declare itself as disobedience and inappropriate behavior. Therefore, it is best to invite a professional cynologist with extensive experience in working with fighting dogs to train your pet. This will be more correct and safer for others. Gradually, you yourself will learn how to manage your formidable, but peaceful weapon - the bull dog.
Price when buying an American Bully puppy

American bulls are extremely popular in the United States. There, this breed is loved and appreciated. In Europe, these dogs are only gaining popularity and are not yet well known.
If we talk about Russia, then there are only a few American Bully kennels located near Moscow and St. Petersburg. Therefore, the number of really purebred bull puppies offered for sale in Russia is extremely small.
There are a lot of scammers in Russia who offer under the guise of rare and expensive Americans, stafford puppies and pit bulls, which are difficult for a layman to distinguish from a real bully at such a young age. Therefore, while it is best to purchase puppies exotic for Russians from well-established breeders in Europe and the USA.
The cost of young representatives of this breed varies greatly depending not only on gender, conformation and pedigree, but also on the region of the population. So, in Russia, the price for a puppy of average pedigree is from 150,000 to 350,000 rubles. And yet, for Russia, this breed is still little known and exotic, although the interest in it is definitely rather big. And therefore, the price that a Moscow businessman recently paid for a bull puppy is not surprising - 700,000 rubles.
In Europe, in kennels of the same Italy, a purebred bull puppy will cost only 700 euros. Well, no one has ever advertised the ceiling of the cost of these cool dogs in Europe.
For more information on the American Bully breed, see here: