Chocolate diet: features and menu

Chocolate diet: features and menu
Chocolate diet: features and menu

Learn how to eat your favorite chocolates and lose weight at the same time. How to create a menu and what restrictions you need to follow. Today you can find just a huge number of a wide variety of diets and weight loss methods, thanks to which everyone can choose for themselves the ideal way to deal with excess weight.

Many people with a sweet tooth want to lose a couple of extra pounds, but simply cannot give up their favorite chocolate. In this case, you can follow such an interesting and effective diet like chocolate. This technique involves the use of not only chocolate, but also coffee, but in limited quantities. It is allowed to follow such a diet for 7 days, but not longer, otherwise, with its longer use, there is a risk of causing serious harm to one's own health, since the correct metabolism fails.

It is worth remembering that eating a limited amount of food for a long time can lead not only to a deterioration in health, but also to disorders of the nervous system.

Subject to the chocolate diet, in just 7 days, you can get rid of about 4-6 kg of excess weight, but the end result will directly depend on the individual characteristics of the body and lifestyle.

There is a misconception that chocolate is a high-calorie food, but this is not entirely true. 100 g of chocolate, which does not have additional additives, contains no more than 500 Kcal. At the same time, the daily energy consumption of the human body is approximately 1800 Kcal and this volume falls exclusively on the work of all internal organs.

During the consumption of chocolate, the human body produces hormones of joy (endorphins). As a result, it becomes much easier to endure hunger strikes, the body is reliably protected from various stressful situations and a good mood is provided for the whole day.

If you plan to follow a diet based on chocolate, you must carefully study the composition before buying it. Chocolate must necessarily contain cocoa beans, as they provide the correct metabolism in the human body. You should not use white or milk chocolate, as the result will not be able to achieve the desired effect. It is not recommended to use diabetic chocolate, because it will bring little benefit.

Benefits of the Chocolate Diet

Girl eating chocolate
Girl eating chocolate

If you follow the chocolate diet, the diet is significantly limited, but such food has certain advantages:

  1. The main advantage of this technique is that this diet is very tasty and will please even those with a sweet tooth. It is not necessary to exhaust your body every day with long hunger strikes or constantly eat various types of not very tasty cereals. Such dietary restrictions are unlikely to bring pleasure to someone, but at the same time, the depressive state can greatly increase.
  2. Chocolate, present in the daily diet, gives a charge of vivacity and energy, significantly improves mood and has a positive effect on overall well-being.
  3. Now there is no need to draw up a special menu for every day and make sure that the composition of the diet is not only low-calorie, but also correct.
  4. You no longer need to spend a lot of time preparing a variety of dietary dishes, which contain rare exotic and expensive ingredients.
  5. In a relatively short period of time, you can bring your figure into good shape, so the chocolate diet is most popular in cases where you need to lose weight in a matter of days.
  6. Just one bar of chocolate a week not only provides effective rejuvenation of the whole body, but also helps to prolong life.
  7. Chocolate has a stimulating effect on the functioning of the brain, improving both creativity and mental capacity.
  8. The glucose level in the body is maintained at the correct level.

Disadvantages of the chocolate diet

Chocolate candies
Chocolate candies

Of course, the chocolate diet has a ton of benefits, but there are also minor drawbacks to be aware of before starting to follow it. The disadvantages of this technique are:

  1. The main limitations of the chocolate diet are related to the state of health, which is why, before starting to comply with it, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
  2. This diet is strictly prohibited if there is a tendency to allergic reactions to foods that contain cocoa and coffee.
  3. Like any other diet, chocolate can provoke metabolic disorders and worsen overall health.
  4. After the termination of this diet, the lost kilograms can return again, as soon as the transition to the usual diet occurs. That is why the exit from the chocolate diet should be smooth, it is best to adhere to the principle of fractional nutrition for a while.
  5. Subject to the chocolate diet, without fail, special vitamin and mineral complexes are taken, which are necessary for the full functioning of the human body. Professional nutritionists advise supplementing food with artificial vitamins every day.

This express diet is quite complex, but it can be easily sustained for a week, but for this you will have to be patient and confident that you will soon have a dream figure.

Chocolate diet: permitted foods

Cocoa, chocolate and bananas
Cocoa, chocolate and bananas

The most important product when following this diet option is exactly chocolate. It is advisable to use only high-quality and natural chocolate, which contains at least 72% cocoa. Of course, in terms of calorie content, it will not be too much inferior to milk, but at the same time it brings much more benefit to the body.

In the composition of dark chocolate, about 539 Kcal per 100 g of product, and milk chocolate contains 545 Kcal. There is almost no difference between these two products. However, dark chocolate contains much more cocoa liquor and cocoa butter, including valuable trace elements and vitamins that help fight aging. We can say that this is a real champion among other types of chocolate in terms of the content of cocoa beans.

You should not use white chocolate during your diet, as it is completely useless and is considered only a delicious treat. It is not recommended to use diabetic chocolate, because it contains harmful sweeteners. This type of product is specially designed for people suffering from diabetes.

It is worth giving up chocolate with various additives (raisins, nuts, dried fruits, etc.), since it has a high calorie content. In the composition of the chocolate diet, an ingredient such as caffeine should also be present. In this case, it will be best to give preference to natural ground coffee, because it helps to activate memory, improves the blood circulation process, quickly relieves the feeling of fatigue and significantly increases the level of performance.

Chocolate diet rules

Girl eating chocolate cake
Girl eating chocolate cake

In order for such a sweet diet to benefit the body and help you lose weight quickly, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. The daily diet should contain about 100 g of dark chocolate. The whole amount must be divided into 3 doses and washed down with natural ground black coffee, but only without added sugar.
  2. Today there are several options for chocolate diets, in which it is allowed to supplement coffee with skim milk, but in small quantities.
  3. The combination of natural ground coffee and dark chocolate has a stimulating effect on the metabolic process.
  4. As a rule, the chocolate diet is designed for exactly 7 days, but it can be reduced to three days, because as a result of too long use of such a diet, general health may deteriorate and chronic diseases may worsen.
  5. In cases where, at the very beginning of the chocolate diet, severe weakness, dizziness, malaise and a feeling of nausea are worried, you need to stop this method of dealing with excess weight and return to normal nutrition again.

Chocolate diet for a week

Chocolate bars
Chocolate bars

This diet option is gentle. It is based on the use for 7 days not only of one chocolate, but also of other products - for example, fruits, pasta, vegetables.

Despite the fact that the diet is quite varied, in just a week you can lose about 5 kg of excess weight. If necessary, after a few weeks, it is allowed to repeat the technique again. The most important ingredient of this diet is dark chocolate, which can be consumed no more than 30 g per day.

If you follow a gentle chocolate diet, the following foods may be present in the diet:

  • fruits with vegetables (the only exceptions are bananas and potatoes);
  • a variety of pasta, but only from durum wheat (you need to cook without salt and oil);
  • fresh vegetable salads, you can season with natural yogurt without additives or a little lemon juice;
  • natural popcorn, but only without additional additives.

It is important to adhere to the correct drinking regime - during the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean non-carbonated water. This rule is recommended to be applied not only during various diets, but also in everyday life.

Sample Chocolate Diet Menu

Girl with a glass of juice and a chocolate donut
Girl with a glass of juice and a chocolate donut

Meals should be divided into three main meals and three snacks, during which chocolate or popcorn can be consumed, but only without oil and salt.

You can use the following variant of the sample menu:

  • breakfast - fresh fruit, oatmeal cooked in water and with the addition of natural yogurt;
  • second breakfast - chocolate (10 g), a little popcorn to get rid of hunger;
  • lunch - pasta with sauce without oil or light chicken noodle soup;
  • afternoon tea - chocolate (10 g) and popcorn, which is allowed to be mixed with a small amount of fresh fruit;
  • dinner - delicious grilled vegetables, spaghetti without butter;
  • before going to bed, if you are worried about a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat the remaining chocolate and some popcorn.

To speed up the process of losing weight, this diet should be combined with moderate physical activity.

Before purchasing chocolate for such a diet, you need to carefully study its composition. It is important that it does not contain various colorants, emulsifiers and flavors. Thanks to this, it will be possible to protect your own body from the use of various harmful substances and avoid the additional stress that any diet causes.

It is important to remember that natural dark chocolate, in combination with caffeine, can have an energizing effect on the nervous system and provoke an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, before starting the chocolate diet, it is recommended that you always consult with your doctor.

How to lose weight with chocolate, learn from this video:
