Antibiotics in chicken breast

Antibiotics in chicken breast
Antibiotics in chicken breast

Find out why many professional athletes refuse to eat chicken breast on a regular basis and what are the dangers of this protein product. Protein compounds are the building blocks from which all body tissues are created. It is quite obvious that for our bodies to function properly, there must be a sufficient amount of protein in the diet. In bodybuilding, chicken is often recommended.

This is due to the fact that chicken is an excellent source of protein compounds and is considered a dietary product. However, the question arises, what tricks do producers go to to accelerate the growth of poultry and get the maximum income? Today it is no secret to anyone that chicken breast and antibiotics are closely intertwined. Let's deal with this issue and find out where the truth is.

Chicken breast and antibiotics: how bad is it?

Chicken breast slice
Chicken breast slice

Today, more and more people are turning their attention to healthy lifestyle systems. In recent years, fitness has become popular, and sports involve the organization of proper nutrition. We have already said how important protein compounds are for the body. At the same time, nutritionists recommend using primarily animal protein. This is due to the complete amino acid profile, as plant protein does not contain some amines.

However, animal products rich in protein compounds are often high in fat. These substances are harmful to the body if consumed in large quantities. It may seem that we are in a vicious circle. However, there is a way out - dietary meats - rabbit meat and poultry. The most affordable for the majority of the population is chicken. Today, this product is present in the diet of every bodybuilder, and in large quantities.

It seems that a solution has been found, but here we are reminded that chicken breast and antibiotics can be interrelated. At one time this was talked about very often, but now the passions have somewhat subsided. We will not go into the question of why this happened, but we will consider the problem from the very beginning - the place where the chicken grew and gained weight.

The state of the modern food industry is of great concern. This is also true for poultry farms. Now we are not talking about serious violations of sanitary standards, which also take place, this is a topic for a separate article. If you want to understand how chicken breast and antibiotics are interrelated, then you will have to trace the entire process of chicken meat production.

As soon as the chicken is born, it immediately begins to receive special nutrition, which is balanced in the content of certain substances. Unfortunately, the balance is not observed according to the parameters that allow the chick to develop normally, but strictly according to the principle of maximum financial benefit for the producer.

It is quite clear that in such a situation one cannot do without the use of drugs that can protect the chicken from various diseases and at the same time gain weight as quickly as possible or increase egg production. Judge for yourself, if forty years ago one factory laying hen produced several dozen eggs throughout the year, today this figure is two or more hundred. The situation is similar with broilers, which are raised for meat. They are now gaining three or four times more weight than before.

According to the sanitary standards approved in our state, the chicken along with the feed can receive antibacterial drugs. You probably already understood for yourself how chicken breast and antibiotics are interrelated. For the sake of fairness, we note that our standards are much lower in comparison with the same United States. It is certainly calming, but not very much.

According to official information, a maximum of 20 grams of a drug such as penicillin should fall on one ton of chicken meat. If we take the USA, then it is allowed to use tetracycline antibiotics, which are prohibited in our state. However, these preparations also come to us with imported poultry meat. At the same time, chicken breast and antibiotics in the United States are only a small part of the problem. In this country, scandals periodically erupt in connection with the use of hormonal medications by manufacturers. True, this mostly concerns the meat of cattle, but it does not change the essence of the problem.

We will not pay attention to the problems of other countries, as there are enough of our own. The use of antibiotics throughout the life of the chicken is exacerbated in the final stages of production. Now we mean the procedure for the chlorination of meat, during which the carcasses are lowered into special containers filled with chlorine-containing agents.

As a result, all bacteria living on the surface of the carcass die, but chlorine also gets into the meat. Today, everything is known about the harm to the body of pure bleach, but at the same time about the analogues of this substance. Used today in various industries are silent. In 2009, new standards were adopted that regulate the use of chlorine-containing agents, and in comparison with the previous requirements, they were reduced by four times.

But due to the lack of funds for the reconstruction of production, many poultry farms continue to use the old chlorination scheme. Peracetic acid and chloramine recommended for use today are not as toxic to humans as bleach, but these components are used in high dosages to obtain the required result.

All these toxic substances, which were used by the manufacturer in order to obtain maximum profit, end up on our table, and then in the body. It is this fact that can explain the increase in the number of allergic reactions to this dietary, as we believe, product. Let's not forget that each new generation of antibiotics created by pharmaceutical companies turns out to be an order of magnitude more powerful than the previous one.

This is due to the fact that pathogens adapt, because together with chicken and eggs, we use antibiotics. This is also related to the recommendations of pediatricians not to feed children with chicken meat from supermarkets. It is quite obvious that the chicken raised in the village did not use antibiotics and can be considered an environmentally friendly product. However, don't forget. That in such a situation, the risk of developing such a serious and sometimes deadly disease as salmonellosis increases.

We examined the relationship between chicken breast and antibiotics only in relation to meat sold in supermarkets. Many people love to eat instant chicken and new challenges await them. Almost all the seller of grilled chicken and smoked poultry meat uses various substances for the chemicalization of raw materials. It even comes to the use of formalin. This substance is used today in particular for the embalming of dead bodies and is very dangerous for a living organism.

But you must admit that it is difficult to give up grilled chicken, and this addiction is imposed on us by monosodium glutamate. It is an approved synthetic flavor enhancer widely used in the food industry. Knowing how chicken breast and antibiotics are interrelated, it remains only to think about the remaining advantages of poultry meat over beef. In our opinion, there are none at all. Note that as much as you like the chicken skin, it will be safer for you to remove it.

Worldwide, the most popular chicken meat is breast. This is primarily due to the minimal fat content. With regard to the higher content of protein compounds in comparison with chicken legs, everything is not so obvious and there is no fundamental difference.

In general, chicken legs are a separate topic, because a lot of myths have accumulated around them, many of which are quite reliable. We have remembered the United States several times today with its antibiotic standards. However, now in America and Europe the situation is changing for the better when it comes to domestic consumption.

This applies to all stages of production. It is quite obvious that the cost of such chickens is much higher, but residents of European countries and the United States have made their choice. Of course, there are a lot of myths around chicken meat and everything is even difficult to remember. The best option for you would be to search for and further cooperation with a farmer who does not use various additives when raising chickens.

We often hear that chickens are pumped with hormonal drugs to accelerate their growth. However, in practice this does not happen, since the cost of such funds is high. Another thing is that it is quite possible in animal husbandry. Sometimes, to increase the weight of the meat, it is pumped with water. It also makes the meat more juicy as a result. If ordinary water was used, then there are no problems.

Chicken breast and antibiotics: can medications be removed from poultry meat?

Chicken breast dish
Chicken breast dish

As nutritionists assure us, there are ways to eliminate antibiotics from poultry meat. Let's talk about this too.


Cooking chicken breast
Cooking chicken breast
  1. Lovers of chicken broth can be recommended to consume only poultry.
  2. If you bought chicken at the supermarket, then you should not use the resulting broth for food.
  3. The maximum amount of toxic substances is collected in the skin and tail, which are not recommended for consumption.
  4. Try not to consume any offal.
  5. When cooking chicken, you should first soak it, then cook for a couple of minutes and drain the water.
  6. If you cannot live without offal, then they should be soaked and boiled for a long time.
  7. Do not use bones for jellied meat.


Soaking chicken carcass
Soaking chicken carcass

A large number of toxic substances dissolve well in water. If you do not want to eat chicken breast and antibiotics at the same time, then the meat must be soaked before cooking. This can be done in the following ways:

  • soak for several hours in salted water;
  • use water with lemon juice;
  • in mineral water;
  • add vinegar to the water;
  • soak in water for 15 minutes, after sprinkling the meat with plenty of salt and soda.

You can also use plain water, but it should be changed several times, for example every hour. Of course, even after these measures, chicken breast will contain antibiotics, but their concentration will significantly decrease. We also recommend not to use imported poultry meat, and the reasons for this were mentioned above. That's all the information we have prepared for you on this topic. Try to use organic products, even if they are more expensive.

How to choose the right chicken breast, see below:
