Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is actually included in the concept of conflict. Why do people conflict with each other and what is the scale of such collisions. The best ways to avoid confrontations at home, at work, and with friends
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
Othello's syndrome, the reasons for its formation and symptoms of manifestation of pathological jealousy. The article provides recommendations for men and women to get rid of an inadequate attitude towards a partner
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What is rudeness and how it manifests itself. What makes people rude and is it worth it to reciprocate. The most effective ways to tame a boor
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Everything about how great the chances of getting married are after 30 years, as well as about the influence of the child on the search for the mother's future spouse. Factors that complicate late marriage. Getting rid of
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Definition of the psychological syndrome as an independent pathology in the modern world. The most common types and a brief description of the implementation of each. General prevention and control methods
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The Electra complex and its most characteristic manifestations. The article provides information on the causes of this pathology with a description of the means to combat it
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Determination of the guilt complex. A set of symptoms that characterize a given condition. The role of education in its emergence, as well as the concept of the main ways to get rid of this feeling. Place in
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What is intimophobia, causes and symptoms in men and women, methods of treating this disease
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A complex of excellent pupils and the reasons for the emergence of the desire to become an ideal in everything. Perfectionism: symptoms of its manifestation and how to fix the problem
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What is pathomimia and why people injure themselves. The main signs of self-injurious behavior. Basic diagnostic methods and the most effective methods of treatment
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The complex of Napoleon and the origins of its formation. Myths about people with small stature, their debunking and methods of dealing with the problem
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The concept of human complexes, their main types and causes. The quality of life and the impact of this problem on the existence of people in society. Self-help methods for solving the problem
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What is trichotillomania, the mechanism of development, causes and symptoms, how to deal with such a rare disease
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What is hypersomnia and why does it occur? How pathological drowsiness manifests itself and how to recognize it. The main methods of diagnosis and treatment of hypersomnia
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Senestopathy and its characteristic manifestations in humans. The article describes how to deal with this pathology using the most radical means
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Panic disorder and symptoms of its manifestation. Rules for getting rid of this pathology using various methods of therapy and prevention of attacks of fear
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What is schizoid personality disorder and its main features. Factors contributing to the development of this disease. Types of methods of its treatment and prevention
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Description and important aspects of bipolar disorder. The clinical picture of episodes of the disease and the main directions in the treatment of this pathology
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Causes and main symptoms of recurrent depressive disorder. Types of medication and advice for sick people. New methods of psychological assistance
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Definition and main causes of vascular dementia. Clinical manifestations and stages of the disease. Basic diagnostic methods and principles of treatment. Drug therapy and prevention
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The concept of visualization and the main aspects of the realization of desires and goals through the use of this psychological technique. The main ways to achieve real results
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What is melancholy, the causes and symptoms of such a depressive state, how to get rid of it, methods of treatment
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Description of the concept of anxiety disorders, the main reasons for the development of this pathological condition. Clinical symptoms of the disease and the main directions in the treatment of pathology
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Munchausen's syndrome and symptoms of the course of this pathology. The article will provide guidance on how to manage mimicking disorder in humans
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Dark thoughts about premature death and their causes. The article will discuss not only the origins of the development of such an instinct for self-destruction, but also the ways of eliminating its formation in
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What is delusions of grandeur, is it incurable, the causes and signs of such a mental disorder, how to deal with it
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Phobias and their most incredible manifestations. The article will provide information about the mystical, illogical and psychopathic fears of people. Content of the article: What is a phobia Classification of the Most
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Find out why girls are not attracted to pumped guys and what kind of body you need to have to please girls
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Pride and the reasons for the formation of this personality defect. The article provides practical advice on how to get rid of the problem yourself with accompanying recommendations from specialists
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The concept of alcoholic psychoses, clinical symptoms of the development of this pathological condition. The main forms of the disease and the main aspects of treatment
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What is an archetype and its role in a woman's life. What are the female archetypes: according to Jung, according to Gina Bohlen, according to the signs of the zodiac and the degree of personal growth. Their positive and negative sides
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Split personality and the reasons for its occurrence. The article will give advice on the treatment of this disease using existing techniques and drugs
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Temperament and its main components. The article will discuss how to distinguish people by their temperament and personal qualities
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What is persecution mania, its causes and manifestations, what should be done to get rid of this mental disorder
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The article will discuss how to behave correctly during and after a summer affair, as well as the possible consequences of a holiday romance. Described how to assist in the installation of psychological
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The article will discuss the psychological aspects of bad luck, how to identify a loser by behavior, methods of dealing with the current situation with the help of popular advice or recommendations
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
How to avoid quarrels in the family - sooner or later practically every single person thinks about this. The ways to get rid of conflicts, as well as their main causes, will be discussed in this
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Mistrust in people gives rise to a lot of psychological problems, does not allow to live and communicate in peace. Its consequences, causes of occurrence and methods of overcoming the situation are described in
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Everyone has their own past. And whoever says anything, it is impossible to forget him completely, even with a strong desire. This is how the brain works, this is the peculiarity of memory. Today we'll talk about the past
Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01
What is endogenous depression, the main causes of its occurrence, diagnostic criteria. Modern treatment regimens for this disease